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Presentation from Lecturer of Management Studies Program at ISFTE Kuala Lumpur
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Kuala Lumpur. Yogyakarta State University which already has a partnership with Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur. One form of collaboration is that Yogyakarta State University becomes a partner of The International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE) 2016 Asia Pacific Regional Conference which was held in Putrajaya Malaysia on 21-22 November 2016.
Cooperation and communication initiated by the Head of the Management Department, Setyabudi Indartono, Ph.D, with IUKL Malaysia since 2015, on this occasion, UNY sent 8 lecturers and 18 postgraduate students to present their respective articles. The Lecturer Group consists of Prof. Dr. Nahiyah Jaidi, Prof. Dr. Sukidjo, Setyabudi Indartono, Ph.D, Abdullah Taman, M.Si, Farlianto, MBA, Patriani, MSi, Wahyu M.Sc, and Mahendra, MSi who are currently studying for Doctoral Degree at UM.
This seminar is expected to be an academic event for UNY lecturers and students at the international level.
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