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Graduate Chart of Management Study Program
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Karangmalang, August 9, 2019. Based on data from the UNY Graduation Judiciary, the trend of UNY management undergraduate graduates is getting better since 2012. The GPA trend has increased from 3.11 to 3.54. Meanwhile, the length of study fell drastically from 5.04 years to 4.23 years. After 4 years of the Management S1 Study Program implementing the soft skills program, controlling the study process, achievement, and student behavior, in accordance with the vision of Taqwa, intellectual, independent, this trend proves that the education and learning process is getting better. Facing the demands of IR 4.0, education 5.0, and society 4.0 as well as the demands of the penta-helix, the management undergraduate study program continues to improve by adjusting the curriculum, learning environment and learning management model in higher education.
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