The 2019 FE UNY Management student, Rika Untari Purwanto, made another achievement in the world of Indonesian badminton. Rika Untari Purwanto became one of the representatives of DIY in the 2019 PBSI National Championship which was...
Post date: 14/12/2019 - 12:03
Post date: 22/08/2019 - 13:52
Thursday (22/8/19), UNY PKKMB activities in 2019 have been carried out starting from Monday, 19 August 2019 to Saturday, 24 August 2019. The 2019 UNY PKKMB series of activities opened on 19 August 2019, opened at the UNY Sports Building by the Rector of the University Yogyakarta State. UNY PKKMB activities are also carried out at the Faculty and Department level. On Thursday....
Post date: 09/08/2019 - 17:56
Karangmalang, August 9, 2019. Based on data from the UNY Graduation Judiciary, the trend of UNY management undergraduate graduates is getting better since 2012. The GPA trend has increased from 3.11 to 3.54. Meanwhile, the length of study fell drastically from 5.04 years to 4.23 years. After 4 years of the Management S1 Study Program implementing the soft skills program,...
Post date: 02/05/2019 - 23:31
Karangmalang, May 2, 2019. FE UNY management on May 6, 2019 has turned 20 years old. A journey that can be notarized is still quite young for a Study Program. However, a fairly young age does not mean that the Management Study Program lacks experience in creating outstanding and excellent students. The Management Anniversary event was attended by Mrs. Vice Dean III, Mrs. Dra....
Post date: 15/12/2017 - 16:58
Karangmalang, 14 December 2017. Two Lecturers of Management Study Program: Setyabudi Indartono, Ph.D and Dr. Tony Wijaya was declared competent in the training and certification test conducted by BNSP at the UNY Hotel. After participating in a series of 4 days of training and preparation of documents and practice, from 30 participants, 2 lecturers of the management study...
Post date: 25/10/2017 - 09:33
Taichung, Oct 24th 2017. The team of Management school of UNY consist of Prof. Dr. Nahiyah Jaidi and Setyabudi Indartono, Ph.D are welcomed by Prof. Sung-Chi Hsu, Ph.D, Wen-der Yu, Ph.D, and Jane S.C.Liu, Ph.D. As part of the development step towards World Class University, Yogyakarta State University continues to work together with universities / related institutions, major...
Academic and Student Information
ICSS 2014, “International Conference on Social Sciences" Bucharest.
Post Date: 26/05/2014 - 8:39
International Conference on Advances in Economics, Social Science and Human Behaviour Study - ESHB 2014
Post Date: 26/05/2014 - 8:38
2014 Global Hospitality, Tourism Marketing & Management Conference (GHTMM)
Post Date: 26/05/2014 - 8:37
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